June 2023 Newsletter
Calls to action
Submit on the Draft Speed Management Plan
Closes 5pm, Friday 30 June 2023
Wellington City Council are engaging on their draft plan to reduce speeds across the city prompted by the Government’s Road to Zero programme that signals the need for major road speed changes across Aotearoa. Local Councils are required to prepare a speed management plan that makes streets around 40% of schools have reduced speed limits by June 2024, and the remaining schools have changes made by December 2027.
The council plan sensibly identifies that once the areas around all schools in Pōneke are accounted for, this doesn’t really leave a whole lot of the city unaffected by the need to reduce speeds.
Making changes to reduce traffic speeds across the city makes sense to Cycle Wellington. We assert that speed limits that are higher than 30 kph should be the exception to the rule, and only apply where infrastructure design and good separation keeps all road users safe.
Lowering speed limits will help reduce deaths and serious injuries from road crashes, reduce traffic noise, help reduce traffic pollution, encourage walking and cycling for transport, improve health and wellbeing of the community, and will improve liveability in the city.
Please add your voice in support using our submission guide, and encourage all your friends and family to do the same.
Wadestown Connections Baseline Survey
WCC are planning to make interim changes in Wadestown to link it to the citywide bike network and make it easier for more people to bike or scoot between the city and Wadestown. The baseline survey will help officers better understand the impact of any changes. If you use this route for any journeys, please complete this survey and share your current experiences and how you get around.
Add your business to the Cycling Works campaign
Ask your employer to stand up for your right to a safe cycling route to work. Have a look through the statements in support from these excellent cycling leaders:
Upcoming bikeness
Picnics in Parks
11am - 12:30pm weekly on Fridays
Changing locations
Every Friday (weather allowing) we meet up somewhere in central city Wellington in an on-street parking space. Join us for a chat and coffee, and sometimes: knitting, board games, and puppies, and help passers-by rethink the use of public space. We’re usually near a cafe, so come support a local business for your lunch as well.
Next Cycle Wellington Meeting
6pm Tuesday 4 July 2023
Sustainability Trust, 2 Forresters Lane and online.
Project updates
Wellington City Council
Bike Network transitional projects
WCC wins $650,000 Bloomberg award
With the award, WCC programme becomes a part of a global programme through Bloomberg Philanthropies - supporting the rapid rollout of the bike network.
Newtown to City
The cycle lanes on Kent & Cambridge Terraces are getting underway after weather and contractor availability delays.
As part of installing the new bike lane, contractors have painted the new lines between the Basin Reserve and Vivian Street. This work will continue down to Courtenay Place as weather allows.
The traffic enforcement team is moving to camera-based enforcement (fixed and mobile) - using number plate recognition. This will be used on the bus lanes on Adelaide Road, Bowen St, Courtenay Place, etc.
Ngaio Connection
Work has progressed on the installation of this project. There is now a raised crossing on Crofton Road, a painted uphill bike lane on Kenya Street, and speed reductions in Ngaio Village are in effect. Work on the Ngaio Gorge Road will begin soon.
Transformational projects
Brooklyn Road
Consultation will open on Tuesday 27 June and will run for 3½ weeks. The design includes an extension to Todman St, with car park removal, and resolving shared path conflict near Washington Ave.
Lets Get Wellington Moving
LGWM have released an engagement report on the Johnsonville and Ngā Ūranga Gorge cycling and bus improvement projects.
Waka Kotahi
Waka Kotahi have prepared a newsletter of project updates in the region that impact on cycling. It includes updates on:
- Riverlink
- Te Ara Tupua
- Pito-one to Melling
- Ngā Ūranga ki Pito-one
- Tupua Horo Nuku
- Thorndon Quay/Hutt Road
- Horokiwi Rockfall Prevention Works
Recent goings on
Quays Please campaign
A dedicated route for cycling on the quays will enable the Wellington Waterfront to fully realise its potential as a public space. Cycle Wellington has launched a Quays Please campaign calling for a traffic lane to be repurposed as a two-way cycleway in a timely manner.
With the addition of more routes of the Paneke Pōneke bike network coming online - we anticipate that the network effect will increase the number of people choosing to cycle. The waterfront area can already be a challenging zone with conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists. We need to fix this gap before it becomes a very sore point in many people's journeys.
Removable pole bike theft risk stickers
Ever had a bike stolen? It's a bad feeling. Help to avoid that happening by ensuring you lock up to something solid, not to insecure signage poles that can be easily lifted out. Our volunteers are getting around the city and town centres stickering insecure poles.
Thanks Greater Wellington Regional Council for supporting this campaign and Wellington City Council for secure bike racks. More please!
How far we’ve come!
Thanks to Patrick Morgan for posting some images that reflect on some of the remarkable changes parts of our network have seen. Inspiring!
Crawford Road
Cobham Drive
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