Cycling is good for Wellington's businesses.
Wellington City Council have committed to create Paneke Pōneke - a connected bike network across the city.
The plan is excellent but is already being challenged by some for reallocating public road space.
Statements in support from business leaders (preferably a Managing Director or CEO) are needed about why your company supports the new cycling network plan.
Add you business or organisation's support behind the Cycling Works campaign.
Ask your employer to stand up for your right to a safe cycling route to work.
Without your employer's support there is a real possibility that naysayers will delay safe cycling climate action in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Please email your leader/s and ask them to add their name to the Cycling Works campaign. The higher in the company the better. CEOs or Managing Directors are usually the roles primarily concerned with employee health and safety, and willing to back something that prioritises employee well being.
Please email the following to Cycling Wellington at [email protected]:
Have a read through the existing support statements for examples of what you could say. There are also some useful pointers to draw inspiration from on the main Cycling Works page.