August meeting and Special General Meeting minutes
Hamish, Keith, Steve C, James, Jane D, Sven, Katie B, Ellie M, Kate J, Patrick, Jonathan, Peter B. Pete G., Alex
Linda, Mark
Majority of agenda items that we discussed can be viewed in our earlier post.
Special General Meeting held
Changes to the Cycle Wellington constitution were discussed.
Jonathan raised the idea of incorporating further changes that would put the constitution in a more long term suitability. We agreed that there will be further opportunity to improve the constitution at future meetings, including the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
Peter B. Moved that we should leave out the change that would see the specific officer labels removed in favour of just ‘officers’ (i.e.: Treasurer, Secretary, etc). Motion was not seconded.
James Burgess raised a motion to accept the changes drafted. Seconded by Alex. Passed by consensus of those present as well as 4 more people who sent in votes of support via email prior to the meeting.
Other business
Mein Street Alliance agenda item was skipped.
Kate raised the date of the next Global Climate Strike which is 24th September.
Rants and Raves:
Peter B.: Rant: Raised concern about seeing people riding without any bike lights. Question: Wondering when the Thorndon Quay parking alteration work will be scheduled for.
Jane D.: Rant: Concern about obstacles of contractor signage around the city. Seconded by several people.
James: Rant: adding to contractor signage issue - especially on Victoria St. Rave: Seeing so many cargobiking families around town lately.
Pete G. Rant: City needs to improve traffic diversions for people on bikes as we will have more of these in the near future.
Jonathan: Rave: Good example of well executed works diversion along The Parade in Island Bay.
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