August 2021 Newsletter

Kia ora koutou -

Now that the Let’s Get Wellington Moving project is actually starting to recommend changes on the ground it seems those who may have missed the memo about why change is needed are getting organised. This is a familiar pattern. All it took was a new lit pedestrian crossing and a small reduction in speed limits on one road. Cycle Wellington supports the plans for a new crossing and reduced speeds.

Thankfully, we’re assured that the council is currently working to better communicate ‘The Why’ behind the urgent need to make the kind of changes we have been promised in the Long Term Plan. Fully connecting the cycling network across Wellington in the next 10 years will mean there will be a lot more push back to come. We think this process will be much smoother if the appropriate messaging is in place up front and that this hasn’t really been forthcoming from many of our political institutions or projects to date.

It has been clear for years now that the pace of change needs to pick up.

Related: it looks like this will be the hottest winter on record in Aotearoa.

Ngā mihi nui

Linda Beatson and Alex Dyer

Calls to action

Sign the petition: A discount scheme for bikes is needed to help more people get around easily, and be healthier.

People riding bikes

In Dec 2019 the government introduced a discount for public sector workers to buy e-bikes. That leaves out a lot of Kiwis. So we now want the government to be fair to everyone and implement a discount scheme that is open to all Kiwis and includes both e-bikes and non-e-bikes, and necessary equipment.
Please sign and share

Minor improvements map

Cycle Wellington collects observations of poor cycling conditions and ideas for how to improve them on a google map. The map is shared with council officers to help them prioritise minor improvement works. There has been a good amount of activity reflected in the map, showing that progress is being made. Congrats to officers and contractors!

Map of Wellington with annotations showing where work is needed, happening, and done.

Please continue to submit ideas for locations you would like to see enhanced. View the map here to see what has already been suggested. Works best on desktop.

Urbanerds Grants Fund

Urbanerds is taking submissions for grants for new direct actions, events, or activities that promote and encourage inclusion in the urbanist conversation in Wellington. 

  • funding is for up to $1000 per event or activity, with preference given to events with matched funding
  • focussed on dedicated events or discreet campaigns
  • inclusive (i.e. attract not just existing urbanists / activists), and include a facebook page / budget for marketing
  • love things that encourage a new vision for how Wellington and its urban form can be experienced

Upcoming bikeness

Picnics in Parks

11am - 12:30pm weekly on Fridays
Changing locations

Every Friday (nearly!) we meet up somewhere in central city Wellington in an on-street parking space. Join us for a chat and coffee, and sometimes: knitting, board games, and puppies, and help passers-by rethink the use of public space. We’re usually near a cafe, so come support a local business for your lunch as well.

Next Cycle Wellington Meeting

6pm Tuesday 7th September
Sustainability Trust, 2 Forresters Lane

Urbanerds meetup

5:30-7:00pm Tuesday August 10th
Fortune Favours, Leeds Street

Meet with urbanists from all walks (and cycles) in a fun, informal catch up. To keep in the loop sign up here.

World Carfree Day 2021

Wednesday 22nd September

Have a think about how you, or your friends and colleagues will travel in healthy, sustainable ways on World Carfree day this year. CW recognises that cars are a vital mobility tool for some.

The more people who can employ active transport or public transport, or replace journeys by working from home, the better our transport and city streets environment becomes for everyone. This in turn helps make healthy transport choices more viable, normal, and accessible.

Project updates

Wellington City Council projects

For more info from Wellington City Council, please visit their site.

Evans Bay Stage Two - Niwa to Cobham Drive

Wellington City Council intends to launch public engagement on the proposed design for this important section on 7 September.

Rongotai Rd and Evans Bay Parade wayfinding signage

Wayfinding signs are going to be added along the Rongotai Rd bike lanes, Evans Bay Parade, and into the eastern suburbs.

Cycling Master Plan Refresh

On 11 August councillors will get an update on cycling plans. This workshop will likely be streamed live, so tune in one youtube.

Parking law changes adopted

The Planning Committee adopted changes to parking policy on Wednesday 4th August. A key item in the changes was the repeal of a 2005 bylaw that gave enforcement discretion to not ticket people parking their cars on footpaths if they left at least 1m of space for footpath users.

This has been unworkable in practice. Cycle Wellington welcomes the return to adherence to the national law here. The changes also include measures that allow more flexibility and use of Innovating Streets trials in future.

Waka Kotahi projects

Te Ara Tupua connections reference group

A reference group has been formed by Waka Kotahi to help shape successful outcomes of the Te Ara Tupua project. This is to ensure there are coordinated, obvious, and accessible network connections at either end to the main new build of the Pito-one and Ngā Ūranga path.

David Tripp and Larri Wallbridge will be representing cycling user interests and will share updates to us and other groups advocating for better cycling.

Recent goings on

Constitution changes

A collection of changes to the Cycle Wellington constitution document were agreed to at the most recent Cycle Wellington meeting. This was facilitated through a Special General Meeting as per constitution rules.

Thank you to all those who spent some time contributing to these changes.