Submission guide for Karori

Do you want bike lanes to Karori? Please help us.

Have your say, before 5pm, Sunday 8 October. Here’s our guide. Start here:

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Changes proposed on Glenmore Street

Do you support the proposed changes for Glenmore Street?
Select strongly support

Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?

I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Glenmore Street, and parking removal.
I prefer protected bike lanes on both sides of Glenmore Street. Painted bike lanes and sharrows do not provide adequate protection. Less-confident riders are likely to hug the left of the lane downhill, in the dangerous car-door zone.
At the inside corner of the Kelburn viaduct roundabout, instead of making the footpath into a shared path, this should be a bike path. There's no destinations here for people on foot that can't be reached by using the pedestrian crossing by the bus stop.

Changes proposed on Chaytor Street

Do you support proposed changes for Chaytor Street?
Select strongly support

Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?

I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Chaytor Street, and parking removal.
I prefer protected bike lanes on both sides of
Chaytor Street. Painted bike lanes and sharrows do not provide adequate protection. Less-confident riders are likely to hug the left of the lane downhill, in the dangerous car-door zone.

Changes proposed at Appleton Park

Do you support proposed changes for Appleton Park?
Select strongly support

Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?

I support bike lanes at Appleton Park. If off-leash dog exercising is considered at Appleton Park, please design it with sufficient separation to keep both dogs and riders safe.
The merge from the Appleton Park bike lane with buses leaving Chaytor St bus stop 5321 would cause conflict. Please redesign it.

Changes proposed on Karori Road

Do you support proposed changes changes for Karori Road?
Select strongly support

Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?

I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Karori Road, and parking removal.
I prefer protected bike lanes on both sides of Karori Road. Painted bike lanes and sharrows do not provide adequate protection. Less-confident riders are likely to hug the left of the lane downhill, in the dangerous car-door zone.
Speed humps are needed where bike lanes end, and people on bikes merge with traffic, for example at Tringham St and Chamberlain Rd.
A bike lane should not be next to parked vehicles where cyclists are at risk from the door zone, such as at 105 Karori Rd.

Impact of the changes

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the goals and impacts of this project:

The proposed changes will encourage more people to get around using low carbon transport modes (walking, scooting, cycling and public transport)
Select strongly support

The proposed changes will make it safer and easier for younger or less experienced people on bikes.
Select strongly support

The proposed changes will make it safer and easier for people walking.
Select strongly support

The proposed changes to the streets will help make the bus service faster and more reliable in the area.
Select strongly support

Do you support the overall proposed changes to the Karori Connections route? These include traffic resolution TR147-23.
Select strongly support

Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?

1. I support these plans, but they do not go far enough.
Specifically, these plans lack:
- continuous bike lanes along both sides of the route.
- 30 km/h speeds on parts of the route where cycling infrastructure is not provided

2. The design introduces new conflicts between people on bikes, and buses. Articulated buses are planned for this route, exacerbating these issues.
These conflicts include
- bus stops in bike lanes
- narrow (1.1m) bike lane on Glenmore St with no protection from the bus lane
- conflict at the merge from the Appleton Park bike lane with buses leaving Chaytor St bus stop 5321.
I recommend changing the design to eliminate these issues.

3. A route with bike lanes on one side of the street is not a connected network. People who are confident riding with traffic will benefit from the proposed design, but the majority of people will not feel comfortable travelling among 50 km/h traffic. Let's build for the many, not the few.

I don't like sharing a busy lane with traffic at 50 km/h. Include protected bike lanes on both sides of the route. If that can't be done, reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h anywhere bikes have to mix with busy traffic.

To achieve the Council's mode shift, safety, and climate goals we need a transformative approach, not just bike lane son one side of the street. .

In summary, this is a good step in the right direction to make it easier to get around the city by walking, cycling and public transport. I am safer cycling on protected bike lanes. I urge you to go ahead with this plan, without delay. Thank you.


Your connection to the Karori Connections route
Answer as appropriate.

How do you travel around the Karori Connections area most of the time?
Answer as appropriate.

Add your details as appropriate.

Would you like to speak to Councillors in support of your submission?
Select yes if it suits. Speaking to Councillors is an effective way to make sure you are heard.