Submission guide for Berhampore and Newtown
Do you want bike lanes in Berhampore and Newtown? Please help us.
Wellington City Council is now engaging with the public on completing the southern route from Island Bay to the city via Berhampore and Newtown. We need to speak up, to get a good result.
What do you like about the plans? What could be better? We reckon they are good, but there's gaps. They don't go far enough to provide continuous protected bike lanes. Sharrows are not bike lanes. Paint is not protection. Sharing traffic lanes at 50 kmh is not safe. We deserve safe streets.
Please have your say, before 5pm, Sunday 8 October. Here’s our guide.
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Complete the Council’s survey at
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Bus, bike and walking improvements, new parking scheme or both?
Here, you have a choice. Our focus is on the Berhampore to Newtown bus, bike and pedestrian improvements. BUT! The new parking scheme helps to enable the changes we want to see, by freeing up kerb space while improving parking for residents. So:
- if you have a couple of minutes extra free, select Both
- if you're in more of a hurry, just select Berhampore to Newtown bus, bike and pedestrian improvements.
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme
If you selected both, you'll comment on the parking scheme first.
Start by explaining how you do, or don't, park in the area and what the changes mean for you personally. If you sometimes drive to Newtown or Berhampore to visit shops, for hospital appointments, or to visit friends, the changes will make parking easier for you. If you sometimes drive to the area to park all day, you'll need to park further away from the local centres.
The main feedback to give is your strong overall support for the parking scheme.
You can comment here how the changes really open up kerb space for things like bike lanes. On Rintoul, for example, the resident parking scheme will result in probably more parking available for residents and visitors than today, even though the total number of parking spots goes down. Displaced commuter parking will likely be replaced by a mix of people parking further away where there's less pressure on parking, or switching to different modes of transport. Both of these are good outcomes for biking (while recognising workers' parking problems aren't solved).
Berhampore to Newtown bus, bike and pedestrian improvements
Select detailed
Riddiford Street and Rintoul Street - bus, bike and pedestrian improvements
Select strongly support
Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?
I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Rintoul St, 30 km/h speeds, and parking removal.
I would prefer further changes to the traffic signal phasing at the Riddiford St/Hall St/Mein St intersection. A longer advance light for the southbound bike lane would allow people on bikes to comfortably reach the right turn bay before other traffic catches up. This is needed as there isn't space for all riders to make a hook turn at Emmett St.
I prefer protected bike lanes on both sides of Rintoul St. Painted bike lanes and sharrows do not provide adequate protection. Less-confident riders are likely to hug the left of the lane downhill, in the dangerous car-door zone.
I don't like sharing a busy lane with traffic at 50 km/h. Include protected bike lanes on both sides of Rintoul St. If that can't be done, reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h anywhere where bikes will have to mix with general traffic. The narrow traffic lanes and lack of formal crossing points in the current layout of Rintoul St, and the large numbers of schoolchildren travelling to and from SWIS, mean higher speeds are already not appropriate. Reducing the speed limit here to 30 km/h will improve safety for all without increasing travel times.
Luxford Street - bus, bike and pedestrian improvements
Select strongly support
Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section? I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Luxford St, 30 km/h speeds, and parking removal.
Adelaide Road - bus, bike and pedestrian improvements
Select strongly support
Do you have any comments to make about the proposed design for this section?
I support pedestrian upgrades, bike lanes on Adelaide Rd, and parking removal.
I prefer continuous, protected bike lanes on both sides of Adelaide Rd. Painted bike lanes, sharrows, and shared paths do not provide adequate protection. Less-confident riders are likely to hug the left of the lane downhill, in the dangerous car-door zone.
I don't like sharing a busy lane with traffic at 50 km/h. Include protected bike lanes on both sides of Adelaide Rd. If that can't be done, reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h anywhere where bikes will have to mix with general traffic.
Impact of the changes
The proposed changes will encourage more people to get around using low carbon transport modes (walking, scooting, cycling and public transport)
Select strongly agree
The proposed changes will make it safer and easier for younger or less experienced people on bikes.
Select strongly agree
The proposed changes will make it safer and easier for people walking.
Select strongly agree
The proposed changes to the streets will help make the bus service faster and more reliable in the area.
Select strongly agree
Berhampore to Newtown proposal
Do you support the overall proposed bus, bike and pedestrian changes between Berhampore and Newtown?
Select strongly support
If you have any comments about the overall proposed changes, please share them here:
I support these plans, but they do not go far enough.
Specifically, these plans lack:
- bike connections to Kilbirnie via Wilson St or Constable St
- bike connections to Melrose and Houghton Bay via Mansfield St, Roy St, and Russell Tce
- safe, attractive, and protected bike connections along Riddiford St from Mein St to Mansfield St
- setting area-wide 30 km/h speeds on shopping and residential streets
These connections were included in earlier plans. To achieve the Council's mode shift, safety, and climate goals we need a transformative approach, not just one route.
WCC has been planning bike lanes here as far back as 2014. Any further delays to safe streets are unacceptable.
This is a good step in the right direction to make it easier to get around the city by walking, cycling and public transport. I am safer cycling on protected bike lanes.
Do you support the proposed speed changes on Luxford Street?
Select strongly support
Do you support the proposal for additional off-street car parking for Wakefield Park users?
Select support
If you drive to and park at Wakefield park, how long do you normally stay?
Answer as appropriate.
What is your main relationship to the Berhampore to Newtown bus and bike route?
Answer as appropriate.
How do you travel along the Berhampore to Newtown route most of the time?
Answer as appropriate.
How important is it to change our existing street space to make it safer and easier for people to walk, ride, scooter, or use public transport?
Select very important
Would you like to speak to Councillors in support of your submission?
Select yes if it suits. Speaking to Councillors is an effective way to make sure you are heard.
Add your details as appropriate.
Option two: instead of the survey, you can email your feedback to [email protected]
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