Submission guide for Featherston Street and Southwest Te Aro Connection
Learn more about this project on the Let’s Get Wellington Moving site.
Join in on a webinar / online hui. 7pm Tuesday 9 May. Register here
Submissions close: Midnight, Tuesday 23 May
Have your say.
Cycle Wellington has provided suggested responses for each question in the survey below. There is the option for quick or detailed feedback.
For quick:
Do you support the ideas for improvements on Featherston Street and the streets of Southwest Te Aro?
Somewhat supportive
If you have any general comments about our ideas, please share them here.
I support reallocating space to people on bikes, foot and public transport. I do not support shared walking / biking / bus spaces. I support the removal and repurposing of on-street car parking. There should be provision for mobility parking and kerbside drop offs either on Taranaki and Wallace, or nearby streets. I support 30kph speeds on city and residential streets. I support placemaking projects such as seats, art, and trees.
Do you support our ideas for cycleways on Featherston Street, Victoria Street and Dixon Street to improve safety for people of all ages riding bikes?
Somewhat supportive
Do you support our ideas for introducing improvements for pedestrians to make it safer and easier for people who walk, especially people with limited mobility?
Do you support the ideas to improve the reliability and efficiency of buses?
For detailed:
What is your experience when riding a bike on Featherston and Victoria Streets?
Share your experiences. E.g.: Featherston St lacks protected bike lanes. I feel uncomfortable when I have to share with motor vehicles, or ride close to the door zone. Paint is not protection. The painted lanes on Victoria St need to be upgraded to be wider and protected with physical separation. I experience conflict when vehicles turn across the painted bike lane e.g.: north of Ghuznee St. Please remove the ‘floating’ car parks on Victoria St between Vivian St and Abel Smith St. I like the green arrow for an advanced start at Abel Smith St traffic signals.
If you are not riding a bike already, would you consider riding a bike with a cycleway in place?
You choose.
What is your experience when walking in this area?
Share your experience.
Featherston Street
Idea 1 - two-way cycleway
Do you support the idea of a two-way cycleway on the harbour side on Featherston Street to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Somewhat supportive
Tell us why.
Featherston St needs protected bike lanes. I prefer wide cycleways in both directions.
Idea 2 - single cycleways
Do you support the idea of a one lane cycle lane on each side of the road on Featherston Street to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Tell us why.
Featherston Street needs protected bike lanes. I prefer wide cycleways in both directions as these offer better connections and reduce risk of collisions.
Victoria Street North
Which side of Victoria Street would you prefer to see the two-way cycleway on and why?
I prefer wide cycleways in both directions as these offer better connections and reduce risk of collisions. If that's not possible, I prefer a cycleway on the east side of Victoria St.
Do you support the idea of a two-way cycleway on Victoria Street to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Somewhat supportive
Tell us why.
I prefer wide cycleways in both directions as these offer better connections and reduce risk of collisions.
Victoria Street South and Willis Street South
What will improve your bike riding experience in this area along Willis and Victoria Streets, especially between Abel Smith and Webb Streets?
- 30kph speeds.
- Adding wide protected bike lanes.
- Advanced stop boxes, and advanced green bike signals.
- No shared bus / bike lanes.
Dixon St
Idea one: Two-way cycleway
Do you support the idea of introducing a two-way cycleway on the north side of the road on Dixon Street to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Tell us why.
A two-way protected cycleway here could work given it is a relatively flat section. The physical buffer shown in the illustration need not be quite so wide if there are no parked cars. I prefer wide cycleways in both directions as these offer better connections and reduce risk of collisions.
Idea 2: Private motor vehicle restrictions
Do you support the idea of placing private motor vehicle restrictions on Dixon Street to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Somewhat supportive
Tell us why.
Closing through-traffic at Cuba Street would help reduce the number of vehicles passing through and make the area nicer for pedestrians. On its own though, a shared bike / vehicle space here will result in a suboptimal connection for people on bikes. We would support this measure if it is paired with Idea 1: Two-way cycleway, as Dixon Street is an important east-west cycling connection due to Manners Street being inaccessible.
Idea 3: Single cycleway
Do you support the idea of a dedicated eastbound cycle lane on the north side of the road on Dixon Street and westbound cyclists sharing Dixon Street with private motor vehicles to improve safety for people who ride bikes?
Tell us why.
This design will not materially improve the cycling experience. There is no protection for cyclists shown in the illustration, and it will not make the area more pleasant or safer for pedestrians.
Improving bus journeys
Do you support the ideas for improvements to Willis Street to improve bus travel reliability?
Tell us why.
I support measures to improve bus journey reliability.
Do you support the idea to introduce a southbound bus lane on Victoria Street to improve bus travel reliability?
Tell us why.
I support measures to improve bus journey reliability.
In general, what would you like to see to improve bus and/or cycle lanes at this location?
- Protected bike lanes
- Dedicated bus lanes
- 30kph speed limits
Do you support our ideas for Ghuznee Street to improve bus travel reliability?
Tell us why.
I support measures to improve bus journey reliability.
Do you support the ideas for improvements on Featherston Street and the streets of Southwest Te Aro?
If you have any general comments about our ideas, please share them here.
I support 30kph speeds on city streets, protected bike lanes, and dedicated bus lanes. These measures will help Wellington meet its climate action, safety, equity, and liveability goals.
Do you support our ideas for cycleways on Featherston Street, Victoria Street and Dixon Street to improve safety for people of all ages riding bikes?
Do you support our ideas for introducing improvements for pedestrians to make it safer and easier for people who walk, especially people with limited mobility?
Do you support the ideas to improve the reliability and efficiency of buses?
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