Quick submit guide for Aro Valley and Ngaio bike lanes


Your voice makes a difference. Please have your say on bike lane plans for Aro valley and connections to Karori etc. We think the plans are pretty good but need to be delivered faster, and with some changes.
1. Aro Valley

The Council has two options for feedback: quick, or detailed. Here's our two minute guide for quick feedback.
  1. Go to https://www.transportprojects.org.nz/current/aro-valley-connection/
  2. Choose "Have your say now". This takes you to a Survey Monkey page.
  3. Select "next"
  4. Select "Aro Valley Connection"
  5. Select "Quick"
  6. Have your say:

Question: Do you support the overall proposed changes to the Aro Valley Connection route?

Strongly support

Question: Why do you think that?

Use your own words, or say: “We deserve safe and attractive streets. I support plans to redesign street space to make it safer and easier for people to walk, ride, scooter, or use public transport. I support changes to on-street parking, and use of 30 kmh limits to make this happen. I support doing the work in one stage, rather than spread out over three stages. That's consistent with the transitional approach. It would deliver the benefits sooner. I don't agree that Aro Valley is unique when it comes to designing street space."

Question: Do you support the proposed speed changes on the Aro Street?

Strongly support
We're creating a detailed Cycle Wellington submission.

2. Ngaio

Repeat the process for Ngaio and Kaiwharawhara bike lanes.