October 2021 Newsletter
Kia ora koutou -
We had a great time at our Annual General Meeting. We have had a giant 12 months. Have a look through what we and our local authorities have achieved for people on bikes.
Thanks to everyone who came along or tuned in online. We learned a lot from running a 'hybrid' meeting , it seemed to work well, so we’ll aim to hold our meetings both online and in person again.
There is a lot about to come for biking in Wellington. Keep an eye out for more important engagements getting underway soon, including The District Plan, Mass Rapid Transport routes and technology, more on the Bike Plan and more. We’re up for it.
Thanks again to all our supporters throughout this mahi. You keep the wheels turning.
And a special thanks to our officers and everyone who has volunteered for anything throughout the year. Our efforts are making a difference.
Ngā mihi nui
Linda Beatson and Alex Dyer
Calls to action
Greta Pt. to Cobham Drive
Submissions close 5pm Tuesday 12th October
Last chance to submit on completing this essential cycling connection to eastern suburbs. Check out what Cycle Wellington think and what we'd like to see improved.
Bike Life profile volunteers
Cycle Wellington publishes profiles of Wellington’s people who ride bicycles. Check out the series so far here: https://www.cyclewellington.org.nz/bike_life
We’d love it if you can volunteer to be interviewed.
Pics for CW
If you have a great pic of someone riding a bike around Te Whanganui-a-Tara that we can use online and in printed collateral, please email it to us at [email protected]
Please include the name of who we should credit and where the photo was taken.
Residential on-street bike storage
Please keep your suggestions for where some on street bike storage would be welcome. Submit using this form.
View the minor improvements map here to see locations that have already been suggested.
Upcoming bikeness
Picnics in Parks
11am - 12:30pm weekly on Fridays
Changing locations
Every Friday (weather and absence of communicable diseases allowing) we meet up somewhere in central city Wellington in an on-street parking space. Join us for a chat and coffee, and sometimes: knitting, board games, and puppies, and help passers-by rethink the use of public space. We’re usually near a cafe, so come support a local business for your lunch as well.
Next Cycle Wellington Meeting
6 - 7:30pm Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Sustainability Trust, Forresters Ln. and online via zoom. Sign up through our website to receive the meeting link by email.
Project updates
Wellington City Council projects
For more info from Wellington City Council, please visit transportprojects.org.nz.
Bike Plan
A complete plan for the roll out of a connected cycling network will be presented to council for consultation by March 2022. The council is developing a
Transitional Plan
Details of two new city-fringe routes will be released soon as part of WCC’s transitional programme. These will be similar to the Brooklyn Rd uphill bike lane approach where the temporary lane is an intentional component of the engagement that will enhance the ability to design and learn what works best for the community. If approved, construction could start in March or April 2022.
Communicating The Why
Material communicating The Why behind the need for ambitious transformation of our streets will feature throughout November. Cycle Wellington is looking forward to seeing this as we’ve been calling for more upfront information for Wellingtonians to better understand why changes are needed. Space for people to ride bikes for everyday journeys is also only one component involved in improving the liveability, affordability, sustainability, and health of living in Wellington.
Recent goings on
This Saturday, Cycle Wellington supporters turned out to help Jonathan Coppard to shift by bike. Not satisfied by taking the most direct route to his new address, we took the long way around, via Lambton Quay and The Waterfront, getting lots of curious looks along the way. We had some media follow us along for the ride:
AGM Year in Review
Thanks again to everyone who attended our AGM. Existing roles were all retained and we also welcome Benjamin Burkhart as an Officer for Cycle Wellington. Benjamin lives in Newlands and cycles in frequently to and from the north of the city centre.
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