Tuatua Cafe
Tuatua Cafe agrees that Cycling Works in Wellington.
Tuatua Cafe is a zero waste cafe on the waterfront.
"We are in full support of Paneke Poneke bike network plan for a better safer biking network.
We not only would like to support more customers being able safely visit our cafe and travel around our beautiful city by bike we would like to see more businesses using bikes as part of their operations. Our business is largely dependant on bike transport. We do our errands and collect our supplies by bike and trailer.
Tuatua is also the headquarters of Mugcycle an intuitive to help other cafes, work places and events reduce single use trash by supporting, suppling and delivering by bike and trailer, donated mugs, serviceware and resources.
We see single occupant car journeys, in the same way as we see single use trash, both being inefficient use our planet’s resources and health."
Simon Edmonds
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