Mevo agrees that Cycling Works in Wellington.
Mevo is a leading car share company aiming to take action on the climate emergency by reducing New
Zealanders reliance on private car ownership. It has had its headquarters based in Pōneke Wellington, for
the past six years.
“We need alternative transport methods that are convenient, work well, and most importantly are safe for
the people in our communities - both our own employees and our users in Wellington. These are vital to be
able to successfully reduce private car ownership. The initiatives such as those proposed by Paneke Pōneke
is an incredible step forward and one that we at Mevo back wholeheartedly.
We can not achieve climate action, alone, and Mevo is a proud and active supporter of Paneke Pōneke, and
the action they are taking to better suit our unique Wellington home.”
Erik Zydervelt
Founding Director and CEO
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