Ekos agrees that Cycling Works in Wellington.
"Ekos is committed to building and supporting bio-diverse, climate resilient landscapes. We do this by helping landowners develop and operate restorative forest carbon projects.
We also work with organisations of all sizes to help them to understand their carbon emissions profile and to take action to reduce it.
We have had an office in Wellington for 5 years.
In the midst of a climate emergency, we should be encouraging anyone who can to make a shift to active transport, in order to rapidly reduce our transport emissions.
Bicycles and cycling offer great value and utility as transport.
However the objection I hear most frequently is around perceived levels of safety in riding a bike.
As perception is reality for most of us, having facilities that support safer cycling is a critical component to support this modal shift.
We support Paneke Pōneke plans to make cycling safer and more accessible."
David Laing
General Manager
Show your organisation supports great cycling in Pōneke too.
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