Allen and Clarke

Allen and Clarke agrees that Cycling Works in Wellington.

Allen and Clarke is a consultancy group that has experience in policy and regulation, evaluation and research, and secretariat and programme support.

“At Allen and Clarke, we fully support the safe cycling movement in Wellington. With many staff members who cycle, this initiative would not only benefit our staff, but reduce traffic on our roads and help our business operate more efficiently.

As specialists in public health policy, we know the value an active lifestyle makes to our team’s well-being and productivity. Cycling allows our team members to fit exercise into their schedules, leading to more productive and energised workdays.

While many of our staff currently cycle, not everyone feels safe while biking on the road. We want our staff to get to their destinations safely, free from stress or fear. We support infrastructure that gives cyclists more space on the road and reduces the risk of harassment or injury during their commute.

As a company that values environmental sustainability, we also want to ensure that Wellington remains a beautiful and vibrant place to live, work and operate. Reducing traffic helps create a more attractive urban environment with less noise pollution and better air quality.

We believe safe cycling will enable our staff to cycle confidently while helping create a healthier, more attractive city that everyone can enjoy.”

Matt Allen

Managing Partner

Matt Allen


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