August 2022 Newsletter
Kia ora koutou -
Calls to action
Submit on Golden Mile Detailed Designs
Closes 10pm 14 August 2022
We’re excited to see progress on this great project. Have your say using our submission guide.
Have your say: Waka Kotahi consultation on Reshaping Streets
Closes 19 September 2022
The Reshaping Streets proposals will make it easier for councils to transform streets and better support public transport, active forms of travel, and improved urban spaces.
The proposed changes include:
- a new ‘Street Layouts’ land transport rule which will enable councils to change street layouts, pilot street changes, restrict vehicle access, and establish Community Streets and School Streets
- amending sections in the Local Government Act 1974 covering pedestrian malls, transport shelters (like bus shelters), and temporary road closures
- changes to other rules and regulations enable councils to trial Traffic Control Devices more effectively, reduce speed limits as part of pilots, and to make these rules and regulations more accessible.
“Streets are public places that need to prioritise people, not just vehicles, so our towns and cities are better places to live, work and play. These changes will also help New Zealand meet our emissions reduction targets, reduce deaths and serious injuries from transport, and improve health and wellbeing,” Michael Wood said.
The Government is seeking feedback before finalising any proposals and anyone in New Zealand can make a submission.
Help make sure the upcoming local elections deliver a bike-positive council
There are several things you can do to help ensure we get a council that prioritises healthy streets, and streets that are safe for cycling. Here are some ideas:
- Join the Vote Climate campaign
- Talk to others about why you think making our city safer and more appealing for riding bikes is important. What do you love about it? What could be better? What’s stopping you?
- Encourage others to ensure they get out and vote.
- Donate or volunteer. If you have a property with a fence visible to the road - consider offering to host a billboard.
and, most importantly:
- Vote for the candidates who best reflect your views for making biking better in Pōneke.
Upcoming bikeness
Sunday Best Spring Ride
10:30am Sunday 18 September 2022
Freyberg Beach, Oriental Bay
Frocks on Bikes and Different Spokes are collaborating to bring you the Sunday Best Spring Ride! Dress-ups are encouraged (but not essential). There will be prizes from the folks at Bicycle Junction and Switched on Bikes! All welcome - bring your friends, family, and the dog! Come for some or all of the ride!
From Freyberg Beach we will head to Cogg Park for coffee, tea, and field games. Please bring your favourite morning tea picnic - sandwiches or baking as you wish. And also BYO picnic blankets and tea cups! After morning tea we continue along the fabulous Evans Bay cycleway, through the Miramar cutting to Double Vision Brewery (Park Road) for a cheeky early beverage.
Switched on Bikes have kindly offered half price ebike rental on the day! And if you do not have easy access to a bike but would like a fixed up second hand one please get in touch with ReBicycle.
Rain date: Sunday 25 September. Watch the Frocks on Bikes facebook page for the event posting very soon! If you have any questions (or offers!) please email: [email protected]
Picnics in Parks
11am - 12:30pm weekly on Fridays
Changing locations
Every Friday (nearly!) we meet up somewhere in central city Wellington in an on-street parking space. Join us for a chat and coffee, and sometimes: knitting, boardgames, and puppies, and help passers-by rethink the use of public space. We’re usually near a cafe, so come support a local business for your lunch as well.
Next Cycle Wellington Meeting
Tuesday 6 September 2022
Sustainability Trust, Forresters Ln. and online
Project updates
529 Garage
Trial team from Bike Auckland, Cycle Wellington, Christchurch City Council, and a New Zealand Police representative presented to Waka Kotahi who are positive about the solution. We’re hoping to see the software funded for national use soon.
Transitional Cycleways
Botanics to City
Consultation delivered 75% support. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to submit on this.
Council to debate and vote on this Thursday.
Newtown to City
Consultation on a traffic resolution to progress this project will be starting this Thursday 11th August and run for 3 weeks. The traffic resolution will cover the entire transitional route including Riddiford St. right through to the waterfront. There are also some proposed changes to Riddiford Street coming for the approach to Mein Street heading South.
Other transitional projects
The teams are producing business cases and working towards traffic resolutions for transitional projects in:
- Ngaio Gorge
- Aro + Raroa
- Kilbirnie Connections
- Thorndon Connections (not Thorndon Quay)
- Part of Middleton Road - from Helston Road to Westchester Drive in order to coincide with resurfacing works already scheduled for this summer
Bike parking
Council have just consulted on proposals for 11 new bike parking corrals throughout the central city. These will provide at least 100 new bike parking spaces.
Council are also planning to install a double tier bike parking rack this summer (like the one on Grey Street already) in a disused traffic lane on Shell Lane off of The Terrace.
And a bike parking addition is being worked on for the parking area beside Freyberg Pool. This is likely to be another double tier rack, though it is being proposed to utilise a converted shipping container as shelter.
Other related projects
- Newtown parking management work ongoing.
- Major Kilbirnie intersection of Onepu and Rongotai Roads (Aka: KFC corner); work to start in the next few months.
- Oriental Bay puddle build to begin in the next few months - before summer proper.
- Council are meeting regarding Shelly Bay Road in late August.
- A research project to help with behaviour change exploring barriers to lowering car ownership is starting soon. Focussed on the Aro area, the research will be valuable for future work too.
Let’s Get Wellington Moving
Thorndon Quay / Hutt Road Kids Zone trial
Let's Get Wellington Moving are trialling changes to the Hutt Rd Cycle Path in Kaiwharawhara outside a couple of childcare centres. There's one format this month, and another next.
The aim is to reduce conflict between cyclists and people arriving or leaving by car. There have been lots of “dynamics” over this site over the years. Safety is the stated concern. Despite the rhetoric, cyclists are most vulnerable - one cyclist has had a serious injury avoiding a child. To our knowledge, no children have been injured (thankfully).
But a "whole of corridor" view for cyclists is also important. This is the busiest route in the Wellington Region for cycling - with much growth in numbers riding to come.
Cycle Wellington and Hutt Cycle Network have been involved in good discussions over these trial layouts - and also expressed strong reservations about the scope of the work:
- The project objectives only permitted changes which diminished the level of service for cyclists (slowing or even stopping) to improve the experience of those arriving by car.
- "Out of scope" were changes enabling motorists to more easily adopt healthier modes of transport, or any requirement for the business to improve their own parking solutions.
- This location was considered in isolation - without considering the impact on the corridor as a whole. Given the outcome could set a precedent for other points along Hutt Rd and Thorndon Quay; we are determined that maintaining a safe and attractive cycle route is a priority, rather than troubleshooting the complaints of some motorists.
LGWM are seeking feedback via an online survey. Perhaps wait until the second trial format is in place and then please send in your views.
Regardless of the format, we encourage cyclists to always be considerate and safe on the bike. (N.B.: the new poles placed in the path are dangerous; we've been promised they will be removed quickly).
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