Rod Badcock
Wellington Bike Life is a series of profiles of people who ride bikes in Wellington. Today we meet Professor Rod Badcock.
Rod credits biking with a positive outlook on life. "Riding my bike helps keep me sane", he says.
Judging by his academic and professional qualifications, Rod is a brainy guy. He's a professor at Victoria University, and a Senior Principal Engineer at the Robinson Research Institute in Lower Hutt, where they combine advanced engineering with science to design ultra-efficient aircraft, wind turbines and electromagnets.
But it's the simply pleasure of riding a bike that brings joy to his day. We had a chat at Miss Fortune's cafe in Gracefield during Level 2.
"I don't just ride to work – I ride for pleasure as well. I ride a mountain bike, I ride around on the road, I generally just move around, do the shopping, move with my son, my wife,"
What could be better?
"Connectedness. What's been an eye-opener for me is seeing youngsters having to battle with the roads. I'd like my son – he's asked many times - to be able to get to school feeling much more safe."
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