Mel McGrath
Wellington Bike Life is a series of profiles of people who ride bikes in Wellington. Today we meet Mel McGrath.
"I'm Melanie McGrath. I am a high school teacher and I've recently taken up cycling in Wellington.
I'm very much a beginner.
I'm hoping to bike to and from work when I feel a little bit more brave.
I feel a real sense of freedom when I bike. This is something that I didn't expect to feel.
When I borrowed an e-bike from a friend I felt like a kid again and I really wanted to cut off my reliance on the fossil fuel industry, and that really sparked this thought of, oh my gosh I can e-bike! I'm going to go and do that!
It really fills me with hope to think that we're going to have more cycleways in town. That's going to be really, really encouraging for people like me just starting.
I hope that it all goes ahead without too much stress so people can enjoy it."
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