Cycling advocates award fellowship to boost participation by women
Cycle Wellington has awarded the Alastair Smith Memorial Fellowship for 2023 to Miriam Moore (left) and Catarina Gutierrez (right), representing Women in Urbanism Aotearoa.
The Fellowship is dedicated to furthering the work of veteran Wellington cycling advocate, Alastair Smith, who passed away in November 2019. It has a value of $5000.
The 2023 fellowship will boost participation by women, and highlight cycling in Tawa.
"We are excited about spreading the joy of riding with riders from many backgrounds while honoring Alastair's legacy. He was a strong role model for me personally when I first arrived in Wellington 10 years ago. 2023 is bound to be a big year for the city and we look forward to activating more spaces through the Fellowship." - Catarina Gutierrez
The outcomes of the Fellowship will be:
- a family ride along Ara Tawa on 19 March 2023
- a published resource that maps the cycling advocacy ecosystem of Wellington region.
This will include a directory of support resources targeted toward new riders, women and families. It will include stories and tips from women and families, or other non-typical riders about their experience becoming cyclists.
About Catarina Gutierrez
I am the Treasurer of Women in Urbanism Aotearoa and a member since its inception. I consider myself an urbanista, digital marketer, public speaker, and advocate of cycling in New Zealand. I've dedicated my time to getting more people on bikes and helping them find joy in riding.
I've spoken at conferences such as Asia-Pacific Cycling Congress 2017 and Cycling Action Network Conference 2017 on topics such as inclusivity and gender bias, diversity, digital marketing strategies, and the future of advocacy. Most recently, I've served as the e-bike representative on the NZ Government’s Electric Vehicle Leadership Programme Group (appointed by the Associate Ministry of Transport).
About Miriam Moore
I’ve been a cyclist for three years, finding my way after never learning to ride a bike as a kid (a crime, I know!). My e-bike has given me wings and shown me the joy of going by bike, and now I aim to help others discover the same, as I understand the challenges and roadblocks of being an inexperienced rider.
I work as an urban designer and am an elected member on the Tawa Community Board, bringing my passion for designing places for people of all backgrounds and abilities to my everyday mahi as well as my advocacy in the community.
Women in Urbanism Aotearoa
About Alastair Smith
Contact: Patrick Morgan
Cycle Wellington
tel 027 563 4733
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