Craig Atkins
Wellington Bike Life profiles people who ride bikes. Today we meet Craig Atkins.
Tēnā tātau, ko Craig Atkins tōku ingoa, ko te Kairēhita ki te kura Toi Whakaari o Aotearoa ahau.
My name is Craig Atkins. I'm the registrar at Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School.
I live in Berhampore and I cycle here to work every day and use my bike pretty much every day into town around the bays.
I'm really enjoying the new separated cycle lanes.
It feels much safer for me on my bike. I don't feel like I'm in the traffic. Just brilliant.
I think for me one of the things over the last two years that I've become really aware of is the things that I can do to do things differently that's why I cycle everywhere. I can't have an impact on petrochemical companies except from maybe not using their products so much.
I'd really like to see all the cycle lanes get joined up so that you can travel safely all the way across Wellington.
I lived in Europe for a long time and lots of cities over there have really joined up thinking in terms of their bike lanes and pedestrianisation so that would definitely be the way forward for the Council in Wellington.
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