July 2022 Newsletter


Kia ora koutou

Calls to action

Submit on Botanics to Waterfront

Closes 5pm 26th July

Artist's impression of the neew bike and bus facilities on Bowen Street.

The next project as part of Paneke Pōneke is open to public consultation. Following the ongoing legal situation in Newtown, Council is pressing ahead with this project using the traditional consultation process. The design is still configured using the transitional approach - where feedback can be gathered following its installation to be used for a subsequent ‘transformational’ project that will build more permanent infrastructure.

Cycle Wellington are very supportive of most of this work, however there remain some non-ideal compromises. This route is again trying to accommodate improvements for bus traffic while making it safer and more comfortable for people on bikes. Cycle Wellington remains concerned about how successful sharing this space with buses will be. We would like the end result to feel like buses are sharing a cycleway, rather than people on bikes being allowed in a bus lane. We’re not sure the infrastructure or behaviour of bus drivers will achieve this as designed yet.

There is also an unfortunate compromise with some off-peak car parking on Tinakori Road. We hope this will be removed, if not in this transitional project then as soon as the next project up Glenmore Street extends the bike network catchment and bus lane priority. Treatment of active and public transport lanes need to move away from the traditional ‘peak hour’ approach. Travel patterns and mobility priorities are changing for our city and we need infrastructure that more highly values journeys made by all user groups without the use of a private car throughout the day.

There is lot’s more in this project, so please submit with your support and constructive criticism.

Submit on Golden Mile Detailed Designs

Closes 10pm 14 August 2022

Artist's impression of part of the new Golden Mile designs.  Looking north on Lambton Quay.

Just out yesterday are the detailed designs for The Golden Mile project. We’re excited to see progress on this huge project. Please check it all out and submit! Cycle Wellington are working on a submission guide.

Submit on Aotea Quay Roundabout

Closes 5pm on 17 July

Artist's impression of the new roundabout on Aotea Quay looking north.

This traffic resolution for a dual-traffic-lane roundabout on Aotea Quay aims to improve access to waterfront logistics and the ferry terminal for large vehicles coming off the motorway. The roundabout will enable a more people friendly treatment along Thorndon Quay Hutt Road including a central median along Hutt Road.

Check your enrolment for upcoming local elections

I cycle. I vote!

Please vote for the candidates who best reflect your views for making biking better in Pōneke. Talk to others about why you think making our city safer and more appealing for riding a bike is important. What do you love about it? What could be better?

Demand Public Transport equity

Closes 5pm Friday 15 July

Greater Wellington is seeking your views on the future of fares for Metlink public transport services. Quality public transport is an important complement to great cycling and walking, and is essential to meeting climate emissions goals and healthy mobility in Pōneke. 

Removing financial barriers to public transport for key groups is an important strategy to support. To encourage those currently driving to change their behaviours we must also expect more work to enhance the convenience, comfort and safety of public transport and how they can complement cycling journeys.

Check out the quick submit form from Generation Zero.

Upcoming bikeness

Picnics in Parks

11am - 12:30pm weekly on Fridays

Changing locations

Every Friday (nearly!) we meet up somewhere in central city Wellington in an on-street parking space. Join us for a chat and coffee, and sometimes: knitting, board games, and puppies, and help passers-by rethink the use of public space. We’re usually near a cafe, so come support a local business for your lunch as well.

Next Cycle Wellington Meeting

6pm Tuesday 2nd August 2022

Sustainability Trust, 2 Forresters Ln. and online. Sign up to CW to receive online meeting details closer to the time.

Project updates

529 Garage

More shields have arrived thanks to Wellington City Council sponsorship. Pick yours up from an expanded set of locations now.

Wellington City Council

Newtown to City

Still paused due to legal action. Update on progress likely next month.

Botanics to The Waterfront

Open for public consultation on the transitional designs. Please submit.

Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM)

Thorndon Quay / Hutt Road

LGWM Board has approved “KidZone” trials on Hutt Road, subject to funding approval. For these trials we would like to work with cycle groups, accessibility groups and the local childcare centres in the next couple of months to co-design some trials.

David Tripp from Hutt Cycling Network and Alex Dyer from Cycle Wellington attended the initial co-design workshop. There are concerns. The trial aims to mitigate safety issues of people getting to and from 10 car parks across the busiest cycling route in the Wellington region. We have relayed extra feedback and hope that the objectives of this trial will include solutions that further reflect a commitment to making cycling a safe and convenient mobility choice for everyone in the area.

Recent goings on

More Stuff about mode shift

Jacob McElwee and Lorelei Schmitt and family and bikes - Pic: ​​Kevin Stent (STUFF)

Cycle Wellington is encouraged to see the wonderful focus on Mode Shift being produced by The Dominion Post at Stuff. Here are some more of the great articles if you haven’t been across them yet: