Minor improvments map

Cycle Wellington maintains a map of locations around Pōneke where people have suggested improvements for biking.

Wellington City Council has a small annual budget to carry out minor works that don't require extensive community engagement. Officers at Council refer to this map to keep track of what they might tackle next or if the suggestions already added can strengthen other projects they are working on.

Explore the what has been added already:

Add to the map

You can send in your suggestions for what needs adding to the map using this form.


Help Cycle Wellington make riding in Wellington better than ever.

For only $5 a month you can make a difference.

Your contribution will go towards:

  • Funding the technology we use to coordinate and communicate with our membership
  • Buying ads, running campaigns, printing posters etc
  • Paying for venues and supporting events
  • Paying for pop-up bike lanes - planter boxes, screws, dirt, compost
  • Professional services e.g. accountants, lawyers, web designers, communication professionals

33% of contributions go to CAN (Cycling Action Network). CAN is the national body that coordinates cycle advocacy throughout the country.

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