Nadine Dodge

Wellington Bike Life profiles people who ride bikes. Today we meet Nadine Dodge.

"I live in Aro Valley. I've lived here for about 10 years. Every single day I bike from Aro valley to the central city to go to work, and
also to drop off my daughter Imogen at daycare. 
I do it because I'm really lazy and it's the fastest way to get to work and I also don't have to pay for parking, 20 dollars a day.
It's the cheapest, fastest, easiest way to get to work.
Imogen absolutely loves it and that's the other reason I keep doing it.
She begs me to get on the bike no matter what. 
But the scary part is there's a lot of traffic. The road's really tight and it's not really designed for her, and I'm worried that when she's older we won't be able to bike it because I won't feel comfortable having her be on a bike. 
So I'd really love the Council to speed things up, so by the time she's in school it'll be safe for her to bike to school."