

  • Linda Beatson
  • Alex Dyer


  • Linda Beatson


  • Mark Johnston
  • Sridhar Ekambaram

Submissions team

  • Johnathan Coppard
  • James Burgess

General officers

  • Trish Given
  • Patrick Morgan



Help Cycle Wellington make riding in Wellington better than ever.

For only $5 a month you can make a difference.

Your contribution will go towards:

  • Funding the technology we use to coordinate and communicate with our membership
  • Buying ads, running campaigns, printing posters etc
  • Paying for venues and supporting events
  • Paying for pop-up bike lanes - planter boxes, screws, dirt, compost
  • Professional services e.g. accountants, lawyers, web designers, communication professionals

33% of contributions go to CAN (Cycling Action Network). CAN is the national body that coordinates cycle advocacy throughout the country.

Sign up